Releasing The Trauma Patterns  

Healing Trauma


Clearing, Healing & Releasing The “Trauma Pattern”


I have been clearing, releasing & healing Trauma since I started my Healing Journey many years ago, whether it occurred this lifetime, past life trauma and the ancestral trauma we all carry. So it would make sense that I would always include addressing all types of trauma with the Divine Light Alchemy Magical Sweeps, to go infinite levels wide & infinite levels high to transform & transcend Trauma. 

The “Trauma Patterns” are the deeply buried underlying information matrix fields, which are at the root core cause of physical, energetic, emotional, mental, or spiritual manifestations of the “dis-ease” pattern of physical health issues. 
They are also a contributor to any other long standing life challenges is all areas of your life.

You may be currently experiencing the physical manifestation of this “trauma” or possibly had this in the past. Once erased, dissolved, extracted and healed, it can no longer energize or uphold the current manifestation.  

Using the many new Divine Light Alchemy protocols, we do a very deep scan to identify the Specific Information Matrix field that is fueling & creating your situation. We are searching your whole Energetic  system, within each of the levels, (Physical Body, Etheric/Prana, Emotional, Mental, Karmic, Spiritual/Soul Level & Divine.), on all planes and all of your existences.
This includes all of your timelines, Simultaneous lifetimes and parallel lifetimes.   

Once the Trauma Pattern is discovered, we extract, dissolve, delete, and transmute the Information matrix on 7 levels and 12 Dimensions. so the “Illness pattern can no longer reverberate in our system and cause future issues.  

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