Advanced Chakra Therapy

Advanced Chakra Healing

Your Chakras are vital to your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health &
wellbeing. In my experience, over the years of healing sessions, I have discovered that whatever the issue or challenge, there is  always blocked chakras involved.

Also, knowing how important it is to offer the most effective way to address Chakra clearing, healing and balancing, one of the many teachers I trained with was Cyndi Dale’s amazing “Advanced Chakra Therapy” which uses a revolutionary Energy Mapping System. This is included in all of my “Divine Light Alchemy” sessions.

Exerpts from  “Advanced Chakra Healing”  by Cyndi Dale:
*“Your energy system is the invisible you, the one that links your physical and your spiritual self.
The chakras are energies of light that, when activated and used properly, allow miraculous change. Science is finally catching up to ancestral wisdom, substantiating the existance of these swirling vortexes of light by using special pfotographic, computer-based, and electromagnetic devices.”

*“In the Four Pathways model, there are four layers, planes, or realities of human existance. These different realities add up to a Greater Reality, while independently offering equally valid ways to make and create change. Each pathway has its own set of rules, principles, and systems; all of them can create the so-called miraclous.

The beauty of the Four Pathways is that they all interact. If you make modifications on one pathway, you’ll see expontential change in that and all other pathways, simultaneously.

For instance, you might work one of the Four Pathways to forgive your parents for cruelties they did to you when you were young. As soon as you alter your energy on this pathway, the other three pathways shift and modulate. Suddenly, other areas of your life miraculously change! Your arthritis cleare up. Your boss gives you a raise. You start sleeping better at night. You hear from a long-lost friens. Your spiritual gifts open up: you begin to receive visions at night that inform you of things to come the next day.

The current holistic model would divide you into subcategories to solve the problem. You haven’t forgiven your parents for mistreating you? That’s an emotional issue. Sure, emotions impact the physicalbody, but you need to work on this issue solely as an emotional one or it won’t go away. You have a broken feeling and it needs to be fixed.

In the Four Pathways approach, you’re considered whole already. There’s a solid, viable reason that you’re holding onto an unwillingness to forgive. The emotions involved are expressed throughout all four pathways of the Greater Reality and add up to your current reality. Shift your experience of your parents on any of the Four Pathways and your entire reality will shift. Now you’re making exponential change. You’re creating miracles.”

My Chakra healing training is from Cyndi Dale
*Advanced Chakra Healing  by Cyndi Dale

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